Lawns – Lawns should be mowed weekly during the growing season which is from May 1st and September 30th. If you go on vacation, please ensure that someone mows your grass while you are gone. Grass clippings should not be put in landscape beds.
Edging – Curbs, driveways, walks, and landscape beds should be edged every other week.
Yard Waste – All yard waste and trimmings should be put in bags and stored out of sight. On the night before your rubbish pick up, it may be placed on the curb.
Mulch/Pine Straw – Landscape beds should be covered with fresh pine straw or mulch twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. This will not only help prevent weeds in your beds but it will hold moisture in the soil.
Weeds – Regular applications of weed preventers will prevent weeds from growing in your yard.
Mailboxes – Take a look at your mailbox and be sure yours is freshly painted and that the numbers are permanently affixed according to the community standards. All mailboxes must be black.
Home Repairs – As soon as the weather permits you can begin exterior home repairs. Check to see if your home needs painting; if your trim or siding is rotten and needs to be replaced; if there is caulking to do or boards to replace; if your driveway, sidewalk or house need pressure washing. Remember, if you plan to paint your home a new color, you will need written approval.
Hide from View – Trash receptacles should be hidden from view as should tools, toys and sports equipment that are not in use. Do not store trash cans in a location where it is visible from the street.
Parking – Vehicles should be parked in garages and driveways, not on the streets. This is for the safety of all, especially children. Please advise your guests of this standard.
Pets – If you have a pet, be mindful of your neighbors. No one wants dog waste in their yards, dogs barking and running through their yard. Keep your pet safe and away from harm.
ARC Approval – ALL changes and/or additions to the exterior of your home need the approval of your community Board. Your request should be sent for review to the Board of Directors via Carol at Access Management. The community ARC [Architectural Review Committee] forms which must be submitted for any exterior modification to your home can be found under “Documents”. Failure to submit modification forms are a violation of the covenant and will result in a $250 fine.