- Police or Fire Department
- Emergency - 911
- Police (non-emergency)
- (404) 730-7911
- Code Enforcement
- (404) 730-8355
- Gas - Georgia Natural Gas
- (770) 850-6200
- Electricity - Greystone Power Corp
- (770) 942-6576
- Water & Sewer - City of Atlanta, Dept. of Watershed Management
- (404) 658-6500
- Telephone - AT&T
- (800) 222-0300
- Cable TV - Xfinity/Comcast
- (404) 266-2278
- Trash - City of South Fulton (*Pickup Monday) Website: https://www.cityofsouthfultonga.gov/2565/Solid-Waste
- (770) 554-0455
*No trash pickup on Christmas or New Years; if pickup date falls on these holidays, pickup will be on the following day.
- Driver's License - Dept. of Motor Vehicles (www.dmvs.ga.gov)
- (678) 413-8400
- Voter Registration - South Fulton
- (770) 306-3050
- Absentee Voting - South Fulton
- (404) 656-2871